“When self, nature and culture are harmonized the universe reveals its secrets” Oscar Miro-Quesada

Southeast Gathering with Oscar Miro-Quesada

This is the final workshop in the Nature, Culture and Self trilogy. 2010 shall focus on assisting people from all walks of life to live a soul-infused experience of Self to serve as "bridge" between Inner (cultural) and Outer (natural) Worlds. As prophesied by ancestral wisdom keepers the world over, when increasing numbers of people from the Four Directions begin to re-Member themselves through a shared experience of being interdependent luminous strands within the Great Web of Life, then Self, Culture and Nature will again become harmonized.

Oscar Miro-Quesada, is a respected Peruvian kamasqa curandero, UN Observer to the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, OAS Fellow in Ethnopsychology, originator of Pachakuti Mesa cross-cultural shamanism, and founder of The Heart of the Healer Foundation. Oscar dedicates his life to the revitalization of ethnospiritual wisdom traditions as a way to restore sacred trust between humankind and the natural world. A popular international teacher and master ceremonialist, his work has been featured on CNN, Univision, A&E, and the Discovery Channel.